
Here in Melbourne, Victoria, Spring has just arrived. But right now as I type, it feels like Summer. However, in true to Melbourne form, and as any local would know, this sunshine and warmth is just a little glimpse of what Spring time and Summer will bring. The weather will turn back to shivery in a few days before the true Spring arrives, followed by the ultimate scorch of Summer.

This year, this little sunshine-y sneak peek is slightly warmer than usual and has lasted a little longer and I am 100% here for it. The sun is almost quite literally giving me life and strength.

It was still Winter when I was admitted to the hospital and quite cold. (I guess that’s just how I am now - before SAH - and after SAH….who knows? I guess time will tell). It was freezing at times in the hospital and there were days when the nurses would arrive and proclaim “Oh it is so cold outside”.

The one window I had to look out didn’t offer much of a view, but at least I had a window and, I could see……..#lucky! There was a day that I looked out and saw a rainbow, and then another where I couldn’t sleep and saw a divine sunrise. Little glimpses of mother nature that were equal to a sign of hope.

So I guess this unseasonable warm start to spring is just that. A little glimmer of hope for better days ahead. At least that’s what it feels like to me. A fresh start.

With the warmer weather, I can hear the sound of lawn mowers and whipper snippers ringing through the neighbourhood. There are people spring cleaning and throwing away junk and getting it ready for the annual hard rubbish collection. I live close by the beach and mums with toddlers are playing in the sand and soaking up the sunshine. My guess is, not a minute too soon after a winter of blanket forts and inside games and snotty noses have most likely taken over their homes for the winter months.

Windows are open airing out homes and there has been the occasional smell of a BBQ cooking of an evening. After summer ends, we are all sick and tired of barbeque. Like stews and casseroles after Winter. Right now though, I am looking forward to those first BBQs of the season. A new season approaching.

Seasons are a funny thing. I think Taylor Swift calls them Eras. You have your school years season, your young twenties season where you think you are so mature and know better than your elders. For me, there’s my motherhood season and now the in between season with grown kids. Some friends blow in for a season, and some relationships are for a season. Grief is a season that may visit us several times and it changes over time - just like the actual seasons (some may refer to this as climate change - my little attempt at humour).

What’s always weird to me is that the seasons on the other side of the world are completely opposite. As we are gearing up for a sweltering summer, the northern hemisphere folks are cosy-ing up for Autumn, or Fall as they call it. I love the cooler mornings of Autumn and the beauty that trees bring as they change colour before their leaves fall, but that’s about all.

I must admit, If I had to pick a favourite season, Spring would be it. I am not a fan of Winter at all. It baffles me why people choose to go to the snow for a holiday. Give me the tropics and some sunshine every day of the week!

One thing is for sure, no season lasts forever. Each season is all just dust in the wind that eventually disappears or changes.

After a long winter and not much of a summer last year, this little glimpse is all I need. A new season. Who knows what it will bring, but I am more than ready for it.

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